Apartment Grilled Salmon

Grilled salmon with sautéed kale and casear salad is probably our favorite go to meal.

My wife was tapped for an exciting two-year work assignment in a different state.  Although it is an amazing career opportunity, it means living two years in a temporary location.  Even though we will be keeping our house outside Washington, D.C., we will be spending most of the next two years at the temporary location…in a high-rise apartment…without a grill.

So, how do you make grilled salmon in an apartment?  Don’t you just sauté the fish on the stove?  No.  You make apartment grilled salmon in the oven using a grill pan.

Why the oven?

Ok, this is probably a good time to make the first of what may certainly become many confessions in this blog…I am a bit of a neat freak.  So, by using the oven you don’t have all the splatter from sautéing on the stovetop.

Why use a grill pan?  So you can get grill marks.  I know you can’t taste grill marks, but you can certainly see them, and I really enjoy good grill marks.  (Maybe that’s my second confession?)

You can’t get the same level of grill marks in the oven that you can on a grill (or the smoky flavor), but it does add a little extra “personality” to the salmon.

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Apartment Grilled Salmon
Course Main Dish
Course Main Dish
  1. Place the grill pan on the middle rack preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Once the oven reaches temperature, let the grill pan heat for an additional 15 - 30 minutes.
  2. Rinse off salmon portions and pat dry. Salt and pepper and lightly brush with olive oil. Repeat for other side.
  3. Remove grill pan from the oven and place on a hot pad. Place the fish flesh side down (skin side up) at an angle on the grill pan. Return to the oven and cook for 6 minutes.
  4. Remove salmon from the oven and turn the fish over. Return to the oven and cook for an additional 3 - 4 minutes (or your desired level of doneness). Remove from oven and serve.

2 thoughts on “Apartment Grilled Salmon”

  • I made this tonight, as the mid-December weather made stepping outside the door seem daunting. I added a little paprika because I was feeling spicy. I didn’t quite achieve grill marks, but I forgot to set the timer and was guessing. It turned out so well, though! Great flavor, perfectly cooked with a bit of a crusty outside that makes salmon delectable.

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